Kanaus University Information Literacy Classes
Kaunas University library has developed information literacy tutorials for physics and chemistry. http://internet.ktu.lt/en/index5.html
The classes were developed as a result of the most cited and well-known initiatives of the European Commission funded projects EDUCATE and DEDICATE coordinated by Nancy FjÀllbrant, from the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. The programs ran from 1994 t0 1997. For more information: http://educate.lib.chalmers.se/eduinfo.html
The classes were developed as a result of the most cited and well-known initiatives of the European Commission funded projects EDUCATE and DEDICATE coordinated by Nancy FjÀllbrant, from the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. The programs ran from 1994 t0 1997. For more information: http://educate.lib.chalmers.se/eduinfo.html