Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Social Networking for New and Cross-over Physics Teachers

There is a school of thought that teachers need to know how to use the new technologies to teach the next generation of students, many of whom have grown up with the new technologies. While this is not really information fluency, it is definitiely a related issue.

I was asked to give a bried presentation for the panel discussion "How Educational Technologies Can Reach New and Cross-over Teachers Who Also Teach Physics." The title of my talk is the heading for this note. I will focus on social networking and briefly tell how I use email, blogs, wikis, Connotea, Instructional Architect, TappedIn, FaceBook and Second Life.

I have created a chat room for physics teachers in TrappedIn and look forward to testing the system. I will report back after AAPT next month.



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