Precisely! A Writing Exercise for Science and Engineering Classes
Julie Reynolds and Steven Vogel "Precisely! A Writing Exercise for Science and Engineering Classes". Journal of College Science Teaching: MarApr 2007; 36, pp.30-33
This exercise is designed to demonstrate to students the importance of precision in language. The students dissemble a device and write instructions on how to reassemble it. A classmate must then reassemble the device following the written instructions and give feedback about whether or not the instructions were clear.
One students comments: "Overall, I think the exercise was extremely useful and I did learn things that I will apply to the writing of my thesis." p. 33
Pat the Librarian
This exercise is designed to demonstrate to students the importance of precision in language. The students dissemble a device and write instructions on how to reassemble it. A classmate must then reassemble the device following the written instructions and give feedback about whether or not the instructions were clear.
One students comments: "Overall, I think the exercise was extremely useful and I did learn things that I will apply to the writing of my thesis." p. 33
Pat the Librarian